Trending data has come out of this study, but the methodology has also allowed for the incorporation of new questions of relevance. For example, the JWB is a property tax-funded organization, therefore as property values declined, so did its funding. HCP incorporated questions into the 2011 survey in hopes of determining the most prudent ways of allocating its funds to ensure its mission was being fulfilled in the eyes of County citizens.
In 2012, the results served as an organizational decision-making tool. In the wake of reduced funding—again due to lower property values—the organization considered increasing the millage rate. Not wanting to do this without broad citizen consent, HCP measured citizen reaction to an increased millage rate. As a result of citizen support, the JWB slightly raised the rate in an effort to recapture some of the more than $20 million in budget cuts that the organization has lost over the past five years.
The JWB incorporates data from this report into organizational presentations, board of directors updates, and internal briefings.