HCP Senior Research Manager Joins Downtown Growth & Commerce Committee
TAMPA, Fla. (February 18, 2014) HCP’s Senior Research Manager Sarah Lindemuth has joined the Tampa Downtown Partnership’s new Growth & Commerce Committee.
The focus of this new committee will be to engage in discussions, studies, and actions that will impact the economic fitness of the retail, residential and commercial components of our growing urban environment. The Tampa Downtown Partnership’s 2020 Strategic Plan, and the InVision Tampa City Center Plan, will be the guiding documents for this group.
HCP is no stranger to Downtown Tampa’s growth and development. In addition to witnessing it firsthand through the windows of their downtown headquarters, the firm has conducted a survey of Downtown Tampa residents and workers on a biennial basis since 2008 that has documented the growth, development and trends of the urban lifestyle.
Senior Strategist/Partner Sean Coniglio commented, “Sarah is a wonderful selection for this committee. She has been instrumental in HCP’s implementation of the biennial Downtown Tampa resident and workforce studies and the insight Sarah can provide by participating will help the committee make more informed decisions about creating a roadmap for Downtown Tampa.”
For more information on the Tampa Downtown Partnership, visit www.Tampasdowntown.com. For a recent TBO.com coverage on downtown’s growth—namely within the Channel District—click here.