HCP Associates Completes Fourth Community Values Survey for the City of Tampa

TAMPA, Fla. (October 1, 2023) – HCP Associates recently completed a community study for local government: the fourth Annual Community Values Survey for the City of Tampa.
HCP established the baseline study in 2020 to obtain statistically valid information reflective of Tampa’s diverse demographics and communities. This research delved into several topics including citizen satisfaction and expectations, transportation, housing affordability, and parks.
“The City of Tampa continues to grow, and this study provides important insights into the growing population and perceptions about various community aspects,” said Robert Allen, Vice President at HCP Associates. These findings illustrate the importance of regularly benchmarking residents’ perceptions on a broad set of important quality of life topics.
The insights HCP’s research provides help guide the administration’s strategic decision-making process and future public outreach. It will also recommend where residents believe improvement should occur and gauge how satisfied they are living in Tampa.
“The City’s administration can take pride in these results, which show that the community continues to feel the City’s government is taking steps every day to improve the community through its strategic plan,” said Sean Coniglio, Managing Partner at HCP Associates.
Results of the study can be found here: www.tampa.gov/public-affairs/2023-community-values-survey.